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Help us Build a Better Whitewater

Support your community. Donate to the 2022-2023 Campaign!

$52,675 raised

$40,000 goal

/ 150


Building a Better Whitewater

The Whitewater Community Foundation (WCF) invites you to join us in building a better Whitewater. A donation from you provides necessary funding for Community Action Grants. Community Action Grants have supported programs such as the Starin Park Inclusive Playground Equipment, the Whitewater Dog Park, the Storybook Walk along Trippe Lake, and so much more to improve the community we live in. Your donations also allow us to maintain the Whitewater Banner as a free source of community information.

This last year, First English Lutheran Church was awarded a $740 Community Action Grant to support their “Book Buddies” literacy program which supports parents and teachers in developing children’s enthusiasm for reading through working with caring, supportive adult “buddies”. Children are also given copies of the books. One of the children who has attended comes from a family of seven and excitedly told his “adult buddy” that he had never had his own book before.

Your support provides moments like this in our cherished community. Please open your hearts and donate what you can to help us build a better Whitewater.

Whitewater Banner - This fund supports The Whitewater Banner, which is the hub of communication in Whitewaterthat is stewarded by the community foundation.

Scholarships - Supports education programs for post-secondary education, entrepreneurial efforts, and non-traditional post-secondary education opportunities.

Arts, Beautification, + Culture - Provides support to performing and visual arts projects and, historical preservation,beautification, and organizations, and cultural institutions.

Quality of Life + Recreation - Improves the quality of life and self-sufficiency in the community.

Education/WUSD - Supports programs and initiatives in the early childhood, and K-12 efforts in the Whitewater Unified School District.

Human Services - Supports agencies and projects that respond to housing, food, clothing, and healthcare needs of disadvantaged residents.

Undesignated Fund - This fund supports the overall operations of the foundation and acts as unrestricted funds for grant requests that may not fit into the field of interest categories.

We are collectively Whitewater, and every community member has a unique role to play to keep our community strong. Whatever dollar amount is in your budget will be put to good use.

Please donate! Any sum makes a big difference towards helping make Whitewater's dreams come true.